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Monday, November 29, 2010

little shiny tree

last year i began my campaign to convince my husband that a white tree would not only be lovely for a change but also very cool. It didn't work last year.

It won't work this year.

so, i have now begun my mission to convince him of this little beauty... i have been wasting a far amount of time just looking at this, and noticing new things about it.. it's so funny and sweet and shiny and tacky and funny (did i say that it is a bit of fun??)

can you not see every one standing around it, having a glass mug of eggnog (i have never had egg nog, the idea of it kind of repulses me, but i still think i would like it) ladled out from a punch bowl.

i found this last night on ebay, and i would have bid for it ( would have won apparently as no one else bid) but the P and P on it was going to be over 60 big ones!!!

you can see that what you hang on it is as important at the tree itself, this could be a long term investment..

anywyay for now, i will just put the first picture on our computor desktop background....

image no.1 courtsey of Martha Stewart No.2 Ebay
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