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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Back to school

there is nothing more depressing as a child than those 3 words... at least for me! School books and uniforms for sale everywhere you looked, and a sickness in the pit of your stomach as another traumatic year of maths worksheets approaches. i still get that sick feeling now when i see signs up!

However, this little dress that i made for my little girl does remind me a bit of a school uniform, and i guess there is a side to the new school year that is nice: shiny new pencils, fun folders and cool sharpeners!

This is the start of my autumn pinafore range, that can be worn over long sleeve tops and leggings (or on their own in those countries that enjoy a mild autumn...), watch this space for more pictures....!!

1 comment:

FABRICOTTI notperfectbutnice said...

lovely pinafore loveley pictures! What sizes are you doing them in?

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